Unlock Democraacy

Countdown to polling day:

With Sir John Curtice

Wednesday 19th June, 7pm - 8:30pm

As the General Election campaign gathers steam, all eyes are on the latest opinion polls. But what do they really tell us about how people feel about politics, politicians, and the state of the nation?

Join Sir John Curtice, Professor Maria Iacovou, and others for a deep dive into the current polls and what they tell us about possible outcomes for the General Election.

Unlock Democracy and Make Votes Matter are joining forces to host this essential discussion as the election campaign enters its final weeks. We hope you can tune in and join us on 19th June.

How can First Past the Post turn small vote swings into parliamentary majorities. What role might tactical voting play at this election? What does this say about public disaffection with politics? How might low approval ratings of the main party leaders affect voter turnout? What kind of voters are most likely not to vote and how this could influence the election results?

We'll be discussing all this and more with our esteemed panel on Wednesday 19th June from 7pm. Use this form to reserve your spot on the Livestream.

This online webinar is open to all. Register here to reserve your spot.

Promoted by Unlock Democracy, 55 Broadway, London, SW1H 0BB