Unlock Democracy

Our politics needs a fresh start

Compass and Unlock Democracy are campaigning to modernise our outdated political system.

This is how we get started - 

  1. Change the culture of Westminster politics - tackle sleaze, cronyism, dishonesty, lobbying and dark money in our politics. Make sure the politicians play by the same rules as everyone else.

  2. A proportional representation voting system - and a Parliament that is truly representative of the people.

  3. Reform the House of Lords - with those setting our laws accountable to the people.

  4. Devolve power - away from Westminster to all levels of government, giving local communities greater input into key decisions through Citizens’ Assemblies.

These reforms can transform how politics work and give us better governments that build a better society for everyone.

If you agree with our goals, please add your support below.

Promoted by Unlock Democracy, 55 Broadway, London, SW1H 0BB

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